The device for reinstallation of a distance in kilometers
The device подкдючен to the service socket. |
Arrangement of the service socket
The 15-shtyrkovy service socket is in a forward part of the engine. On late models the 20-shtyrkovy socket which is located in the left part of a motor compartment is installed. |
After the established run on a guard of devices the control lamps indicating the need of service of knots and units of the car light up. Switching off of these lamps and reinstallation of a distance in kilometers is provided with the device which is available in car service or on sale. The device is connected to the service socket. At acquisition of the device it is necessary to specify year of release of model and quantity of pins (15 or 20).
Management of control lamps is provided with the SI payment established in a guard of devices on which food moves from separate small accumulators. At an exit of accumulators correctness of indications of a tachometer, index of temperature and operation of the receiver are out of operation broken. |