Check of shock-absorbers
Shock-absorbers are checked by "prokachivaniye" of suspension brackets on car corners. Numerous fluctuations of a body indicate malfunction of shock-absorbers (suspension bracket racks).
Check existence of dribbles of liquid from shock-absorbers, having lifted the car. Dribble can be established on existence of a film of liquid. Check a condition of the top fastening of a rack of a suspension bracket. At detection of dribble or wear of details of fastening of a rack replace (see subsection 11.1.5).
Check of a suspension bracket and steering
Check a condition of details of a suspension bracket and steering, existence of a leak from under epiploons of half shafts.
Check a side play in spherical support, watching them when rocking a wheel in the vertical plane. At the noticeable size of a side play or at detection of an anguish of covers (cover of a spherical support is specified by an arrow) replace a support. |
Check a side play in hinges of steering drafts and fastening of the steering mechanism having turned a wheel in a forward part to the car, and in a back part outside. |